Lets talk about presidential hair
(written before the events of January 6th 2021)
As a future bald man, I find myself noticing right away whether or not someone else shares my fate, or has already attained it. And every American president from when I was born during the Reagan years, until January 2017, had a practically perfect, full head of hair. In fact, you’d have to go all the way back to Gerald Ford in 1977 (who wasn’t even elected by the way) to find a thin-haired president, and if you don’t count him (because again, he wasn’t even elected bro!) you’d have to go all the way back to Eisenhower (who first served in 1953), to find a duly-elected Presidential combover.
This all changed when Donald Trump was elected. Sure, he’s not completely bald, he even has an actual hairline! But he does suffer from some amount of hairloss, (severe enough in his mind), that he compensated with the most magnificent combover in the entire world! And certainly the most recognizable at this moment in time.
But how long would we have to wait for another balding president, another 64 long and weary years? How about . . . zero years! Our new president Joe Biden is not only bald, but he’s the first president who opted for a hair transplant!
I’ll never forget that time I was watching Charlie Rose dish softball after softball to Biden, when the camera angle went to the one positioned from behind Joe’s back, revealing the bald-truth of the situation . . .
Politics aside, I am truly humbled to have been represented by two presidents in a row . . . something Brad Pitt certainly can’t say, as both of these presidents would surely be laughed out of a beauty contest.